Wall Street Mail Pick-Up Service, Inc.

Mail Services

Wall Street Mail Pick-Up Service, Inc. has been serving the New York metropolitan area since 1957.

Core business - incoming and outgoing mail pick-ups and deliveries to and from the Post Office.

A.M. Mail pick-ups

Wall Street Mail Pick-Up Service, Inc. specializes in mail pick-up and delivery to and from the Post Office. You won't have to worry about incoming mail deliveries arriving to your office at 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. As our customer, you choose the time and place of your incoming mail delivery.

Many customers assume that there are no alternatives to customary USPS pick-ups and deliveries to and from their offices. You DO have a choice... Wall Street Mail Pick-Up Service, Inc.

The USPS does a respectable job of delivering your mail. However with the mind boggling number of customers it serves in the New York metropolitan area, it is not always realistic to expect them to deliver the mail when YOU want it. That's where Wall Street Mail steps in.

We specialize in mail delivery when YOU want it... and where you want it. 6:00 a.m.? 8:00 a.m.? 10:00 a.m.? You decide what time is best suited for your firm.

Your mail will be delivered directly to your floor. You won't have to retrieve your mail from a messenger center or USPS central mail facility in your building.

P.M. Mail pick-ups

Do you wish you had more time to process your outgoing mail?
Is it inconvenient for you to bring your mail to a mail box on the street?
Are you bringing your mail to your local post office because it's convenient?
If so, your mail is subjected to delays in processing, which could also delay the arrival time at its destination.

Wall Street Mail will pick-up your outgoing mail from your floor and deliver it directly to Morgan Post Office, the site where your mail will be processed and distributed on its way to an expeditious delivery.

Interoffice deliveries

In addition to your incoming and outgoing mail deliveries, Wall Street Mail provides transportation for your interoffice work in the New York Metropolitan area.

We transport time-sensitive reports, documents and records on a daily basis for several notable firms and organizations. On-call pick-ups and deliveries can be arranged as well.


Wall Street Mail has been serving the mailing community since 1957. Transportation of mail is the core of our business expertise, however many customers have taken advantage of our consultation with regard to postal-related matters.

Our ability to network effectively with key United States Postal Service (USPS) officials in order to create solutions for, and to better understand our customers' mail-related concerns evolved when we became members of the New York City Postal Customers' Council (NY-PCC).

Now, as a member of the PCC, we convene monthly at policy meetings to actively pursue answers to the questions that our customers have with regard to the USPS.

The PCC is a volunteer organization whose members represent both industry and postal officials. Its primary goal is to be an interactive partner between the two entities, establishing communication between customers and local postal managers. Through the PCC, we have become a proactive liaison for our valued customers.

As a customer, you might have experienced the following:
" I don't have the time to call my postal representative!"
"I don't know who my postal representative is!"
"I'm not sure who I can call when I don't have the answers!"

The answer is simple ... call Wall Street Mail. As your intermediary, we bridge the gap between you and the solution that may have been elusive in the past.

Our relationship with the USPS is unsurpassed. We constantly strive to increase the communication. This communication has strengthened the relationship between our customers and USPS, which in turn, has increased productivity and customer satisfaction.

Wall Street Mail Pick-Up Service, Inc.
36-24 38th ST
Long Island City, NY 11101-1622

Tel. 718-392-8311
Fax 718-391-0266

Email Wall Street Mail

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